S T R AR S = ey, 144 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE master goes on to explain that the predisposition is based on the being’s essence (al-‘ayn ath-thabitah) and is thus the expression of what this being is in himself as a permanent possibility contained in God. In this sense it is in the principial state of non-manifestation (al-ghayb) that the “heart,” the essential and imperishable “kernel”’ of the being, receives its ¢ predisposition.” God “com- municates ”’ it to him in the mystery of the pure Aseity (al-huwiyah) and then reveals Himself to him in an ““objective ”’ manner by imprinting on him the forms ”’ of His ““Names ”’ or “‘aspects > “‘in such wise that the one sees the other and the heart in its turn manifests itself in the aspect of that which is revealed to it...” (Chapter on Jethro). Thus, the spiritual polarity of ‘“irradiation’® and “predisposition” finally appears as the purely meta- physical polarity of Being (al-Wujad) and the “immut- able essences” (al-a‘yan ath-thabitah) included in the unmanifest ‘“‘abyss” of Essence. Being “‘overflows” (afada) into the immutable essences inasmuch as these posit implicitly the constitutive distinctions or limita- tions of the world, but of themselves these distinctions are nothing and add nothing to the light of Being, just as the immutable essences are not really distinct from the One Essence (adh-Dhat). From another angle it may be said that it is by refracting Being that the relative possibilities contained in the archetypes are realised in their various modes, and it is in relation to these same relative possibilities that Divine Being is in Its turn polarised as so many personal aspects. It must be