RITES 135 music of the dervishes are mentioned here it is because these are among the best known of the manifestations of Sufism ; they belong, however, to a collective and so to a rather peripheral aspect of tasawwuf and many masters have pronounced against their too general use. In any case exercises of this kind ought never to preponderate over the practice of solitary dhikr. Preferably invocation is practised during a retreat (khalwah), but it can equally be combined with all sorts of external activities. It requires the authorisation (idhn) of a spiritual master. Without this authorisation the dervish would not enjoy the spiritual help brought to him through the initiatic chain (silsilah) and moreover his purely individual initiative would run the risk of finding itself in flagrant contradiction to the essentially non-individual character of the symbol, and from this might arise incalculable psychic reactions.! 1. ““ When man has made himself familiar with dhikr,”” says Al-Ghazali, ““ he separates himself (inwardly) from all else. Now at death he is separated from all that is not God . .. What remains is only invocation. If thisinvocation is familiar to him, he finds his pleasure in it and rejoices that the obstacles which turped him aside from it have been put away, so that he finds himself as if alone with his Beloved . .. >’ In another text Al-Ghazali expresses him- self thus: *“ You must be alone in a retreat . .. and, being seated, concentrate your thought on God without other inner occupation. This you will accom- plish, first pronouncing the Name of God with your tongue, ceaselessly repeat- ing : Allah, Allah, without letting the attention go. The result will be a state in which you will feel without effort on your part this Name in the spontareous movemeat of your tongue > (Jhya’ ulum ad-din). Methods of incantation are diverse, as are spiritual possibilities. At this point we must once again ipsist on the danger of giving oneself up to such practices outside their traditional framework and their normal conditions.