132 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE to humble their hearts at the remembrance of God .. .?” (LVII, 16).—“Call on (or : Remember) the Name of thy Lord and consecrate thyself to Him with (perfect) con- secration” (LXXIII, 8).—‘“Happy is he who purifies himself and invokes the Name of his Lord and prayeth” (LXXXVII, 14 &15). To these passages from the Quran must be added some of the sayings of the Prophet : “It is in pronounc- ing Thy Name that I must die and live.”” Here the con- nection between the Name, ‘“death’ and ““life’” includes a most important initiatic meaning.—““There is a means for polishing everything which removes rust ; what poli- shes the heart is the invocation of God, and no action puts so far off the chastisement of God as this invoca- tion.! The companions said : Is not fighting against infidels like unto it ? He replied : No : not even if you fight on till your sword is broken.”—‘“Never do men gather together to invoke (or: to remember) God without their being surrounded by angels, without the Divine Favour covering them, without Peace (as- sakinah) descending on them and without God remem- bering them with those who surround Him.”—“The Prophet said: The solitaries shall be the first. They asked : Who are the solitaries (al-mufridin)? And he replied : Those who invoke much.”—“A Beduin came 1. According to the Vishnu-Dharma-Uttara “water suffices to put out fire and the rising of the sun (to drive away) shadows ; in the age of Kali repeti- tion of the Name of Hari, ( Vishnu) suffices to desnoy all errors. The Name of Hari, precisely the Name the Name which is my life ; there is not, no, there surely is no other way *> In the Manava Dharma- S/zasna it is said : ‘Beyond doubt a brahmin will succeed by nothing but japa (mvocatxon) Whether he carries out other rites or not he is a perfect brahmin.”” Likewise also the Mahabharata teaches that “‘of all functlons (dharmas) japa (invocation) is for me the highest function®” and that © of all sacrifices I am the sacrifice of japa.”