RITES 129 of the present cycle of humanity.! To understand the scope of this method we must recall that, according to the revealed expression, the world was created by the Speech (al-Amr, al-Kalimah) of God, and this indicates a real analogy between the Universal Spirit (ar-Riuh) and speech. In invocation the ontological character of the ritual act is very directly expressed : here the simple enunciation of the Divine Name, analogous to the primordial and limitless “enunciation’ by Being, is the symbol of a state or of an undifferentiated knowledge superior to mere rational “knowing.” The Divine Name, revealed by God Himself, im- plies a Divine Presence which becomes operative to the extent that the Name takes possession of the mind of him who invokes It. Man cannot concentrate directly on the Infinite, but by concentrating on the symbol of the Infinite, attains to the Infinite Itself. When the in- dividual subject is identified with the Name to the point where every mental prejection has been absorbed by the form of the Name, the Divine Essence of the Name manifests spontaneously, for this sacred form leads to nothing outside itself ; it has no positive relationship except with its Essence and finally its limits are dis- solved in that Essence. Thus union with the Divine Name becomes Union (al-was/) with God Himself. 1. This cycle begins approximately with what is called the ‘““historical®’ period. The analogy between the Moslem dhikr and the Hindu japa-yoga and also with the methods of incantation of Hesychast Christianity and of certain schools of Buddhism is very remarkable. It would, however, be false to at- tribute a non-Islamic origin to the Moslem dhikr, first because this hypothes:s is quite unnecessary, secondly because it is contradicted by the facts and thirdly because fundamental spiritual realities cannot fail to manifest them- selves at the core of every traditional civilisation. 9