THE INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES 123 different faculties represented by the planets. From another point of view the heart is compared to the moon which reflects the light of the divine sun. In this case the phases of the moon correspond to the different states of receptivity of the heart or, parallel with this, to different “revelations” (tajalliyat) of Divine Being. ! Al-himmah signifies the force of decision, the desire to rise above oneself or spiritual aspiration. Thus it is a quality of the will and not an intellectual faculty ; none the less it should be noted that by anticipation spiritual will is intellectual. From the point of view of realisa- tion it is the most important and the noblest faculty of man. Man is only truly man through his will to be delivered, by his ascending tendency, pictured in his vertical posture which distinguishes him from animals. Al-himmah is also the faith that moves mountains. The vital spirit, called ar-rizh by analogy with the transcendent Spirit, is what Hindus call prana and al- chemists spiritus : it is a subtle modality intermediate between the immortal soul and the body. It is to the Divine Spirit as the circumference of a circle is to its centre. This vital spirit is relatively-=undifferentiated ; it includes not only the spatially delimited body but also the sensory faculties with their spheres of experience. Ordinarily man is not aware of it, but in certain states of realisation this spirit becomes the vehicle for a dif- fused spiritual light which may even radiate externally. 1. See the study of Astrology according to Ibn ‘Arabi mentioned in the previous note.