116 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE tricity which prevents the heart from directly contem- plating Divine Realities. Since the individual affirma- tion is made of volition, virtue seizes the ego through the medium of its volitive manifestations. It may come about that a turning round of the will suddenly unveils the centre of consciousness so that a renunciation, a sacrifice or a “‘conversion” (at-fawbah) may in certain cases bring with it, suddenly, the vision of the “eye of the heart” (‘ayn al-qalb). As for spiritual alchemy, this transmutes the psycho-physical structure of man both by acting on the organic seats of consciousness and by becoming the vehicle for the radiation of Grace, which is mysteriously present in the divine symbols. To end this chapter we shall quote this saying of the master al-‘Arabi al-Hasani ad-Darqawi which sums up more than one aspect of the Way: “The perception (the spiritual glimpse : al-ma‘na) is most subtle ; it can only be retained with the help of the sensory (al-hiss) and can only be made to endure by spiritual conversa- tion (al-mudhakkarah), invocation (or “recollection” of God : adh-dhikr) and the breaking of natural habits (both passive and instinctive).”