THREE ASPECTS OF THE WAY 115 Raja Yoga. Clearly the technique in question can be described by means of different symbolisms. Sufi writers usually treat of this question implicitly by in- dicating the use of the symbols which are the object of concentration ; indeed the ‘““alchemical” work, in the sense in which it is envisaged here, cannot be separated from the nature of the symbols used as “means of Grace’ and these symbols are the intermediary through which the “‘alchemical” aspect of spiritual work is linked with its intellectual aspect. The pre-eminent spiritual means of Tasawwuf is the verbal symbol repea- ted either inwardly or aloud with or without a synchro- nising of the breath ; hence the various phases of the inner alchemy—the successive ‘‘liquefactions’ and “crystallisations”—appear as permutations (tasrif) of the symbol in the soul in conformity with the different Divine Realities (haqa’iq) it expresses. During invocation of a Name of God the three constituent aspects of the Way—doctrinal truth, virtue in the will and spiritual alchemy—are summed up in a single inner act; virtue is the human reflection of the divine aspect symbolised by the sacred Name while the spiritual alchemy will result, in its most intimate work- ing, from the theurgic power of that same Name, which is mysteriously identical with God. Doctrine is addressed to what is “naturally” meta- physical in man; spiritual virtue and concentration have for their aim the dissolution of the knot of egocen-