THREE ASPECTS OF THE WAY 113 - alchemy properly so called—the soul, fixed in a state of sterile hardness, must be “liquefied” and then again “congealed” in order to be rid of its impurities, This “congelation” will in its turn be followed by a “fusion” and this again by the final “crystallisation.” In order to bring about these changes the natural forces of the soul are actualised and coordinated. They may be com- pared to the forces of nature—heat, cold, moistness and dryness. There is in the soul an expansive force which normally shows itself as confident joy (busz) and as love and so as ‘“heat,”” and there is a contractive force—a ‘“coldness’”—which shows itself as fear, its spiritual form being the extreme contraction (gabd) of the soul, in face of death and eternity, into the single point of the present. As for moistness and dryness, these correspond respectively to the “liquefying” pas- sivity of the soul and the “fixing” activity of the Spirit. These four forces can also be connected with two complementary principles which are analogous to the “Sulphur” and “Mercury” of the alchemist. In the Sufic method these two principles are to be identified respectively with the spiritual act—the active affirmation of a symbol—and the plasticity of the psyche. Thanks to the intervention of Grace the voluntary affirmation of the symbol becomes the permanent activity of the Spirit (ar-Rith) while the plasticity or receptivity of the soul takes on a cosmic amplitude.! The fiery quality and the “fixative’” quality are 1. According to Muhyi-d-Din ibn ‘Arabi the universal meaning of Sulphur is the Divine Act (al-Amr) and that of Mercury Nature as a whole (Tabi-‘at al-kull). 8