B UNIVERSAL MAN 95 mediary of written signs, i.e., without any creature being an intermediary, and he is also the unique and universal “beloved” (habib)of God.! 1. From the Christian point of view the Unique Prototype is none other than the Son. The Son is identified with the Word, uncreated in its nature, or, to use the Chris*ian expression, eternally ““engendered’’ by the Father being ‘‘of the same essence’ (homoousios) as He. As we know, Islam rejects the symbo- lism of Divine Sonship, for the very reason that it denies all ““inner’’ distinction in the Divine Nature, the Names and Divine Qualities being only “‘extrinsic’’ aspects of God. This theological position of Islam, which also determines Sufi language, on the one hand respects the inability of most men to conceive of such a distinction without projecting a duality into the Divine order—and this is the relatively exoteric reason for the rejection of Divine Sonship—and on the other hand also affirms the Supreme Unity of the Divine Essence. In this res- pect it coincides with the theology of the Eastern Church in as much as this Church equally affirms that the Essence (Ousia) is beyond Being and thus beyond every distinction, such as that of the three Hypostases.