94 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE the same time both an immediate aspect of the Principle and the totality of all relative and particular states of existence. This is the Unique Prototype (al-Unmudhaj al-farid) or “clear Prototype” spoken of in the Quran and already mentioned above. It should also be recal- led that from the Divine “point of view’ creation is integrated in this prototype in which are reflected all the Divine Qualities or “relationships’ (nisab) without their being either confused or separated; it is only from the point of view of the creature that the universe appears as multiple. Now the great mediators, whose spirit is identified with the Divine Spirit, are by this fact related to this synthesis of the universe, the great Prototype, which is the unique and direct “ object™ of the Divine Act.! It is to Universal Man, who is at the same time the Spirit, the totality of the universe and the perfect human symbol, that the epithets refer which are tradi- tionally applied to the Prophet when they are taken according to their esoteric meaning. He is *“ the Glori- fied” (Muhammad) because he is the synthesis of the divine radiance in the cosmos ; he is the perfect “slave” (‘abd) because wholly passive in relation to God in as much as he is distinct from Him in his created nature ; he is a ‘“‘messenger’”’ (rasul) because, being in essence the Spirit, he emanates directly from God; he is ““ unlettered” (ummi) through the fact that he receives his knowledge directly from God without the inter- See also my introduction to De I’ Homme Universel by ‘Abd al-Karim al Jili (fasc. IT of the collection ““Soufisme”* Algiers and Lyons, 1953),