UNIVERSAL MAN 93 “sum” of all the divine essences immanent in the world.! In the case of ordinary man the ¢ global”’ meaning of human nature remains only a virtuality, and it is actualised only in one who has effectively realised all the universal Truths reflected in his terrestrial form and who is thus identified with the ““Perfect Man> or with “Universal Man” (al-Insan al-kamil). Practically speak- ing such a man will have his human individuality as his “external’ form, but in their virtuality and in principle all other forms and all states of existence belong to him because his “inward reality’ is identified with that of the whole universe. From this it will be understood why the term “Universal Man” has two meanings which coincide or are distinct according to the point of view adopted. On the one hand this name is applied to all men who have realised Union or ‘‘ the Supreme Identity,” to men such as the great spiritual mediators and especially the pro- phets and the ““ poles’’? among the saints. On the other hand this name designates the permanent and actual synthesis of all states of Being, a synthesis which is at 1. This was also the teaching of the Greek Fathers of the Christian Church and particularly of St. Gregory of Nyssa and St. Gregory Palamas, The latter wrote : ‘“ Man, this greater world in little compass is an epitome of all ‘hat exists in a unity and is the crown of the Divine works. And moreover it was for this reason that he was created last, just as we i1_1 our final conclusions recapitulate our discourse ; for one could also call the universe the work of the Word (Logos), which is itself an hypostasis . . .”” And in another passage he writes : ““ Though in many things the angels are superior to us, yet in a certain way they are none the less inferior . .. they are so, for example, in respect of existence according to the image of the Creator ; for in this sense we are created more perfectly conformable to the image of God . ..” 2. The Pole of a spiritual hierarchy (or the Pole of a period, who may be unknown to most spiritual men).