86 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE Al-Haba is to the uncreated Intellect as the universal Soul (an-Nafs al-kulliyah)! is to the created Intellect.? On the other hand the uncreated pair is in a sense the equivalent of universal Nature (at-Tabi‘ah) and the Divine Command (al-Amr), since universal Nature, it- self principially identified with the Divine ‘“Exhalation” (an-Nafas ar- Rahmani), is as the “maternal > aspect of substance (al-Haba). Thus we have, theoretically, three cosmogonic pairs the terms of which are related to one another as masculine and feminine principles. But from the cosmological point of view it is only implicitly that the Spirit or Intellect is uncreated, for it is only the created Spirit which represents a reality distinct from God. Again, the Materia Prima or Substance (a/-Haba) can be envisaged at different levels; as for its purely principial nature, which Ibn ‘Arabi names the * Sup- reme Element” (al-’Unsur al-a‘zam), this is necessarily outside the scope of cosmology since it is only a non- manifested divine possibility. Such applications of the same terms to different degrees in the hierarchy of existence explains some of the seeming contradictions between one Sufi writer and another or even between different expositions by the same author. As the mediator par excellence the Spirit is also the prototype of prophetic manifestations, and in this aspect is to be identified with the archangel Gabriel (Jibril) who announced the Word to the Virgin Mary and transmitted the Quran to the Prophet. 1. The Psyche in Plotirus. 2. The Nous in Plotinus.