84 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE itself corresponds to the universal Soul (an-Nafs al- kulliyah).! TFor the Prophet said that the ““first thing God created is the Pen; He created the (guarded) Tablet and said to the Pen: Write! And the Pen replied : and what shall I write? (God) said to it: Write My Knowledge of My creation till the day of resurrection ; then the Pen traced what had been ordained.” So the Spirit includes all the Divine Knowledge concerning created beings, and this means that it is the Truth of truths or the Reality of realities (Hagigat al-Haqa’iq) or—according to the aspect in which it is envisaged—the direct and immediate mani- festation of this Reality of realities. Certain Sufi writers, such as ‘Abd al-Karim al-Jili, give the name Holy Spirit (Rah al-Quddius) to the uncreated essence of the Spirit and compare it to the Face of God (Wajh Allah); this is what is here to be understood by the divine Intellect. The uncreated essence of the Spirit corresponds to what Hindus call Purusha or Purushottama ; its creat- ed nature corresponds to what they call Buddhi, the “Intellectual Light.”” Now Buddhi is the first product 1. The individual soul is conditioned by form ; the universal Soul is necessarily beyond form. In either case Soul is to Spirit as is substance to essence, or materia to forma, this last expression being taken, not as form which limits but as the *‘ formative ** essence. Thus individuals are distingu- ished by virtue of the Spirit, just as they are escentially united in it, and are substantially united in the universal Soul while differentiated by virtue of their forms, the plastic” suoport of which is precisely the universal or “ total ”* Soul. Insofar as the Spirit is polarised in a certain sense in relation to each particular being we can speak of many ¢ spirits.”” The essential oneness of the Soirit thus in no wise implies that man’s spirit is definitely reintegrated into It merely by the death of the body ; for it is the soul which individualises the spirit, acd the soul is immortal.