xS m[ O ST U R e e s Ty 3 i Vv THE SPIRIT THE universal Spirit (ar-Rah), which is also called the *first Intellect” (al-‘Aql al-awwal), is describ- ed sometimes as created, sometimes as uncreated. Ac- cording to the saying of the Prophet ¢ the first thing which God created is The Spirit (ar-Ritl)”’ it is created and, according to the passage in the Quran where God says of Adam “ And I breathed into Him My Spirit >, it is uncreated, because directly united with the Divine Nature. As for the verse in the Quran which describes the nature of the Spirit in these words: “They will question you about the Spirit ; say to them: The Spirit (proceeds) from the Command (a/-Amr) of my Lord...” (XVII, 84) this can be interpreted in either sense—that the Spirit is of the same nature as the Divine Command —or Order—which is of necessity uncreated since it is It which creates all things, or that the Spirit proceeds from the Order and is itself at an ontological level immediately below that Order. If there are both these aspects of the Spirit it is be- cause it is the mediator between the Divine Being and the conditioned universe. Uncreated in its immutable essence it is yet created in as much as it is the first cosmic entity. It is compared to the supreme Pen (al- Qalam al-a‘ia@) with which God inscribes all destinies on the guarded Tablet (al-Lawh al-Mahfuz) which )