o) RENEWING OF CREATION AT EACH INSTANT 79 permanent Being—the revelation of the one Essence— and then there are activities and individuations suc- ceeding one another with the ‘breaths’ which proceed from the Divine Names...” (commentary on The Wisdom of the Prophets). As for the ““breaths” or ‘““exhalations” (anfas) re- ferred to in this text, they are modalities of the ‘ Exha- lation of the Merciful > (Nafas ar-Rahman or an-Nafas ar-Rahmani), this term being understood in the sense of the divine principle which ““dilates” (nafassa)?! or deploys relative possibilities starting from the arche- types. This “dilation’’ only appears as such from a relative point of view in which the state of inwardness ”’ (butun) of the possibilities appears as a *‘ contraction >’ (karb). The Divine Exhalation ” is connected with the total Mercy (ar-Rahmah) because it is through this Mercy that the superabundance of Being ‘“ over-flows (afada) into limitless essences. At the same time the idea of ““exhalation ” or * breath ” relates to the symbo- lism of the Divine Word, for, just as the different sounds or ““letters ”” (hurif) * which make up the sayings of the revealed Book are analogous to the archetypes which are reflected in the cosmos, so the breath which is the support or “carrier” of articulated sounds is analogous to the Divine Principle which deploys and supports the possibilities of manifestation.> The 1. The same verb also includes_ the meaning of ‘‘ consolation® in contrast to the “‘ constriction ** (karb) induced by distress. ‘ Consolation *’ clearly comes from the Divine Mercy (Rakmah). 2. Since Arabic writing is strictly phonetic the letters ** also designate sounds. 3. In this lies a foundation of the science of invocation.