- RENEWING OF CREATION AT EACH INSTANT T expression of all possible succession, then it is said that the “projection’ of the archetype into existence is renewed at each instant in such a way that the same state of “reflected” existence never subsists. Thus a relative being is subject to continual annihilation and continual renewal. In his Fusus al-Hikam Muhyi-d-Din ibn ‘Arabi writes that “man does not spontaneously arrive at a clear idea of the fact that at each ‘breath’ he is not and then again is (lam yakun thumma kana). And, if I say, ‘then’, I am not supposing any temporal interval but only a purely logical succession. In ‘the Renewing of Creation at each breath’ the instant of annihilation coincides with the instant of the mani- festation of its like (mathal)” (from the Chapter on Solomon). In the same sense °‘Abd ar-Razzaq al- Qashani! writes in his commentary on The Wisdom of the Prophets that “there is no temporal interval between annihilation and remanifestation so that we do not perceive any interruption between two analogous and successive creations, and thus existence appears to us to be homogeneous.” According to Muhyi-d-Din ibn ‘Arabi this illusion of continuity is “expressed by the saying in the Quran that ‘they are deceived by a new creation,”’? which means that for them not an instant passes without their perceiving what they perceive . .. ” (The Wisdom of the Prophets). This recalls the Buddhist parable which compares existence to the flame of an 1. A Thirteenth Century Sufi master who wrote a commentary on the Fusus al-Hikam of 1bn ‘Arabi, 2. ““Are We exhausted by the first creation ? Assuredly they are deceived by a new creation” (L. 14).