IV THE “RENEWING OF CREATION AT EACH INSTANT” HERE is an aspect of the Sufi theory of Creation called the “Renewing of Creation at each instant” or, “at each breath” (7Tajdid al-khalq bil’anfas), and it is very directly connected with spiritual realisation. It was said above that the “immutable essences™ (al-a‘yan ath-thabitah), the pure possibilities in which God mani- fests Himself to Himself, are never, as such, brought forth to existence and that only their relative modali- ties—all the possible relations (nisab) they imply—are deployed in the Universe. Nor do these latter really “come out” from their archetypes, and their variety is never exhausted in a mode of succession, even as the waves of a river never cease from changing their form while at the same time obeying the law imposed on them by the configuration of the river-bed. In this picture, im- perfect just because it is concrete, the river water repre- sents the incessant “outpouring” or ““flux” (fayd) of Be- ing and the river-bed “immutable determination” while the waves correspond to forms, either sensory or subtle, resulting from this ontological polarity. The “immu- table essence”’, or the archetype, can also be compared to a colourless prism which breaks up the light of Being into rays of all the colours of the rainbow, the colour- ing of the rays depending both on the essential nature