66 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE As for the action of ““creating’ in the sense of the Arabic word khalaga, it is synonymous with “assigning to each thing its proper measure.” This, transposed into the metaphysical order, corresponds to the first determination (fa‘ayyun) of possibilities in the Divine Intellect. According to this meaning of the word khalg, ‘“‘creation” can be envisaged as logically preced- ing the “production to existence” (ijad) of these same possibilities. Thus cosmogony can be described in this way: first God ‘“conceives” the possibilities suscepti- ble of manifestation in a state of perfect simultaneity and assigns to each its “‘capacity ”’, (qadr) to develop in a relative mode; then He brings them forth to exis- tence! by manifesting (zahara) Himself in them. Thus, in His quality of Creator (Khalig), God operates a choice of the possibilities to manifest. And so it is that creation appears inasmuch as it is related to the Divine Person (an-Nafs) conceived by analogy with the human person and designated by attributes such as Judgement (al-hukm), Will (al-iradah) and Action (al- fi‘l); now the anthropomorphism of these expressions is only an “allusion” (isharah) and not a limitation of the perspective in question. There is, however, a meta- physical perspective which is wider and considers things in relation to the Infinity of the Divine Essence. In the sight of the Infinite all possibilities are what 1. Moreover the Divine Naimie of Creator (al-Khaliq) is deemed to be hierarchically superior to that of Producer (al-Bari) as this in turn is superior to the Name of He-Who-Gives-form (a/-Musawwir), and this is the order in which these three Names are enumerated in the Quran (L1V, 23), for form is secondary in relation to existence. This also shows that the finst ‘determina- tion >’ of possibilities, according to the metaphysical meaning of the word khaliq, is beyond form.