THE ASPECTS OF UNITY 61 content of every distinction, for it is by its intrinsic one- ness that each being is distinct apart from the distinc- tion by its mere limitations. Things are distinguished by their qualities and these, in so far as they are positive, can be transposed into the universal realm according to the formula; ““There is no perfection if it be not The (Divine) Perfection.” Now Universal Qualities are connected with the Divine Oneness, for they are like possible “aspects” of the Divine Essence imma- nent in the world. In regard to the Unique Being re- vealing Himself in them, they can be compared to rays emanating from the Principle from which they are never separate, and these rays light up all relative pos- sibilitics. They are in some sort the ‘uncreated con- tent” of created things, and it is through the medium of them that the Divinity is accessible, subject to the proviso that the Supreme Essence (adh-Dhat),! in which their distinctive realities coincide, remains inaccessible from a relative starting-point. The outspreading of these rays is symbolised by the sun whose rays we see, though we cannot look on it itself directly because of its blinding brilliance. We must not lose sight of the fact that the principial aspects of Being are also fundamental modalities of knowledge ; the Universal Qualities are in the Intellect as they are also in the Essence; in both, they can be compared to the different colours included in white . The term “Essence”, here taken as thee quivalent of the Arabic adh-Dhat, is used both in the sense of the active pole of Universal Existence, as when the cosmic “‘essence’ and *‘substance” are spoken of, and in the sense of the Absolute and Infinite Reality, when It is “‘opposed”’, through Its trans- cendence, to Being and so, a fortiori, to the Universe.