54 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE aspects expressed in the verse: ‘It is Thee whom we adore (or; serve) and it is with Thee we seek refuge (or; help).” Adoration is the effacing of individual will before the Divine Will which is revealed externally by the sacred Law and inwardly by the movements of Grace. Recourse to Divine help is a participating in the Divine Reality through Grace and, more directly, through Knowledge. Ultimately the words: It is Thee whom we adore” correspond to “extinction ” (al- fana) and the words: “with Thee we seek refuge’ to “subsistence ”’ (al-baga,) in Pure Being. Thus the verse just mentioned is the ““isthmus” or barzakh between the two “oceans” of absolute Being and relative existence. ! 1. . Cf. the Quranic verses: *° (God) produced the two seas which meet ; between the two is an isthmus which they do not pass *” (LV, 19 and 20).