UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS L{BRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN SUFI INTERPRETATION OF THE QURAN exhaustible reality; every colour, for instance, is both evident and unfathomable in its essential uniqueness, a uniqueness which reveals the Unique Being, “Lord of the worlds ™. Being Itself is effaced before the Infinite and the Infinite is manifested by Being through the two “ dimen- sions’’ described above, the ‘“static” plenitude of ar-Rahman and the “dynamically” redemptive and immanent plenitude of ar-Rahim. Or again, the Bliss- and-Mercy (ar-Rahmah) opens up and completes the creature, whereas Rigour (al-Jalal) which is an expres- sion of the Divine ‘“Majesty”” or Transcendence, cons- tricts the creature and makes him powerless. In the order of the categories of individual existence it is time which manifests the Divine Rigour. Con- suming this world and all the beings in it, it recalls to them their “debt” to the Principle of their existence. The totality of time, its full cycle is “ the day (for pay- ment) of the debt,” (yawm-ad-din) the words equally signifying ““ the day of religion ”, for religion is like the recognition of a debt.! The same expression also means “ the day of judgment ”’, which is nothing other than the final reintegration of the cycle of time into the timeless. This reintegration can be conceived on differ- ent scales according to whether we envisage the end of a man, the end of this world or the end of the whole manifested universe—for ‘“all things perish save His Face’’ as the Quran says. In the timeless the freedom which is but loaned to 1. “Debt” is also one of the meanings of the Latin word religio, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY