SUFI INTERPRETATION OF THE QURAN 47 collective subjectivity of mankind, and not as the objects of a scientific statement.! At first sight metaphysical commentary on the Quran seems to be intellectually superior to the text itself for the simple reason that the language of the Quran is religious in form and so linked to human emotionality and to the anthropomorphism of the imagination, whereas the commentary directly sets forth universal truths. But the exegesis suffers from the dis- advantages of abstract expression while the sacred text possesses the advantage of the concrete symbol, that is, the synthetic nature in which a single succinct form includes meanings indefinite in their variety. Sufi com- mentators know that the anthropomorphic and, so to say, ingenuous form of the sacred text not only answers to a practical need—that of being accessible to the whole of a human collectivity and so to every man,? but also 1. For instance, when a sacred book like the Quran mentions the motion of the stars, it does so from a geocentric point of view because this perspective is natural to man and is also directly symbolic inasmuch as man’s predestined place is at the centre of the cosmos. 2. ‘“The books revealed as a common law (shari‘ah) use in speaking of God such expression that the majority of men grasp their most proximate meaning, whereas the elite understand all their meanings, to wit every meaning implied by each saying according to the rules of the language used.” (Muhyi-d-Din ibn ‘Arabi in the Chapter on Noah of his Fusus al-Hikam) —*The prophets use concrete language because they are addressing the collectivity and rely on the understanding of the wise who hear them. If they speak figuratively it is because of the commonalty and because they know the level of intuition of those who truly understand... All that the prophets brought of sciences is clothed in forms accessible to the most ordinary intellectual capacities in order that he who does not go to the bottom of things should stop at this clothing and take it for all that is most beautiful, whereas the man of subtle understanding, the diver who fishes up the pearls of Wisdom, can indicate why this or that (Divine) Truth should be clothed with such and such a terrestrial form... Since the prophets, the Divine messengers (rusul), and their (spiritual) heirs know that in the world and in their communi- ties there are men possessing this intuition, they rely in their demonstrations on concrete language, accessible both to the elite and to the commonalty ; thus one of the elite draws from it at the same time both what the commonalty draw from it and more besides...”” (Ibid, in the Chapter on Moses,) v / 7 |