SUFI INTERPRETATION OF THE QURAN 45 “night” into which no distinctive knowledge pene- trates : manifestation is here compared to day. This state is also ‘““peace’ because of the Divine Presence which comprehends in their immutable plenitude all the first realities of things—all the Divine ‘‘ commands.” ““In truth, We (God) have made it (the Quran) to descend in the night of predestination. And what shall teach you what is the night of pre- destination (since reason cannot conceive it) ? The night of predestination is better than a thou- sand months (that is, better than an indefinite duration); - (In that night) the Angels and the Spirit (ar-Riuth) descend with the permission (or the full autho- rity) of their Lord for every commandment (amr) (to regulate all things). It is peace, even till the coming of dawn.” (Quran, XCVII) The state of total knowledge, which was hidden in the ““night of predestination ”” unfathomable by thought, was later translated into words as external events actua- lised one or another aspect of it, and thus arises the fragmentation of the text into a great many parts and also the repetition, with ever new variations, of the same essential truths which are both simple and rationally inexhaustible. Moreover this translation into words was made through a cosmic necessity, just as the lightn- ing flashes from supersaturated clouds, and without any discursive elaboration, and this gives the form its direct