VI SUFI INTERPRETATION OF THE QURAN SINCE Sufism represents the inner aspect of Islam its doctrine is in substance an esoteric commentary on the Quran. Now the Prophet himself gave the key to all Quranic exegesis in teachings he gave orally which are verified by the concordance of the chains of inter- mediaries.! Among these sayings of the Prophet some are fundamental for Sufism and they are those which the Prophet enunciated, not as a law-giver, but as a con- templative saint, sayings which were addressed to those of his companions who later became the first Sufi mas- ters. There are also the ‘“holy utterances’ (ahadith qudsiyah) in which God speaks in the first person by the mouth of the Prophet. These latter have the same degree of inspiration as the Quran, though not the same ‘“ objective ’ mode of revelation, and in the main they 1. Certain ‘“ specialists ** in judging of the authenticity of the akadith of the Prophet suppose that they can estzblish the following criteria, disregarding thirteen centuries of Moslem scholarship. They are these: 1. If some kadith can be interpreted as favouring some particular group or school, this means it has certainly been invented If, for instance, it is in favour of the spiritual life, then the Sufis invented it : if on the contrary it provides an argument for literalists hostile to spirituality, then the literalists fabricated it. 2. The more complete the chain of intermediaries indicated by traditionalists the greater the chance that the particular 4ad th is false because, say they, the need of proofs grows in proportion to the lapse of time. Such arguments are truly diabolical for, taken as a whole, they amount to this reasoning : if you bring me no proof it is because you are wiong, but if you do bring proofs it means you need them and so again you are wrong. How can these orientalists believe that countless Moslem learned men—men who feared God and hell—could have deliberately fabricated sayings of the Prophet ? It would lead one to suppose bad faith to be the most natural thing in the world were it not that ‘“specialists *> have almost no feeling for psychological incompatibilities.