THE BRANCHES OF THE DOCTRINE 35 exist ; it is what it is. But discontinuity is barely con- ceivable apart from a principle of unity which bridges the gap and without the background of a continuity which manifests it. Thus, for instance, the apparent discontinuity between individuals, the isolation of their Tespective centres of consciousness, is only the mark of their unique Essence which ‘vertically” transcends the “horizontal” plane of their common nature. As for the d1scont1nu1ty between individual consciousness in general and the levels of Intelligence which are beyond form, it exists in terms of the quasi-material level of consciousness which links it “horizontally”’ with other consciousnesses that are on the level of form but at the same time also separates it from their unique Essence. Thus reality isregarded according to different orders of continuity depending upon the point of view adopted or imposed on us by the very nature of things, and meta- physic alone can embrace all these various perspectives and give to each its proper place in that web of visions, the universe. In itself cosmology is an analytical science in the original meaning of that term, for it reduces every aspect of the cosmos to the underlying principles, which are, in the last analysis, the active and the passive poles, the “informing” principle that moulds and the plastic substance or materia prima. The integration of these complementary principles in the primary Unity belongs to the realm of metaphysic and not to cosmology. It has just been stated that Sufi psychology does not separate the soul either from the metaphysical or from