A e == e S s T g 34 AN INTRODUCTION TO SUFI DOCTRINE Sufi doctrine includes several branches in which two chief domains can be distinguished, that of Universal Truths (al-Haqa’ig) and that which relates to human and individual stages of the way (ad-daq@’iq) or, in other words, metaphysic and a “science of the soul””’. Need- less to say these domains are not separated into water- tight compartments. Metaphysic includes everything, but in Sufism it is always envisaged according to points of view connected with spiritual realisation. The cos- mology is derived from metaphysic and applied at the same time to the macrocosm and to the microcosm, so that there is a psychology of cosmic amplitude just as there is a cosmology built up on analogy with the inner constitution of man. In order to put this quite clearly it is necessary to insist at some length on this relationship. Apart from the two domains of al-Haga’iq and ad-daqa’iq already mentioned three chief domains of doctrine can be distin- guished—metaphysic, cosmology and spiritual psycho- logy. This distinction corresponds to the triad: “God, the world (or the macrocosm) and the soul (or micro- cosm).”’ Inits turn cosmology can be conceived either by applying metaphysical principles to the cosmos—and this is the contemplation of God in the world—or by drawing an analogy between the cosmos and the human soul. Moreover in its complete development cosmology necessarily includes the cosmic reality of the soul, while no spiritual psychology can cut off the soul from cosmic principles. In the fabric of the cosmes there is no radical break ... In its own fashion discontinuity does