CONTENTS PREFACE . g < . ‘ ; v PART ONE THE NATURE OF SUFISM I. At-Tassawwuf 3 ; : 2 3 II. Sufism and Mysticism . ; . AR III. Sufism and Pantheism : : A IV. Knowledge and Love . ; i A V. The Branches of the Doctrine i N VI. Sufi Interpretation of the Quran . Bk PART TWO THE DOCTRINAL FOUNDATIONS I. The Aspects of Unity . i 3 Aok II. Creation . : s . o 18 III. The Archetypes . : £ P IV. The “Renewing” of Creation at Each Instant 75 V. The Spirit . - . : a- B3 VI. Universal Man ¥ : ; . 29 VII. Union in the Doctrine of Muhyi-d-Din Ibn ‘Arabi g . ; X . -