Ta nza'nian Studies No.4 - L The aim of the Tanzanian Studies series is to publish works of : " a high level of committed scholarship that analyse in depth all ' aspects of the theory and practice of socialist development in Tanzania. With the publication of the TANU Guidelines in 1971, sharp contradictions developed in industries and other production centres in Tanzania between workers who, inspired by the Guidelines, demanded full participation in decision-making and day to day running of industry and management which resisted in subtle and even direct ways against the erosion of what hitherto had been unchallenged authority. The guidelines were also an important step in the severance of neo-colonial links in which Tanzania is caught in advancing the country fur- ther on the road to Socialism and Self-reliance. Workers and Management is a collection of articles which analyse the struggles of the working class in post- independence Tanzania and the practice of workers par- ticipation in decision-making. The articles also make startiing revelations concerning the neo-coionial nature of the ‘blood- sucking contracts’ between multinational corporations and local, publicly-owned industries. This book offers profound insight into the fundamental problems of building socialism in a country that is primarily agricultural but in which a small working class flexes its muscle and shows its leadership role in the struggle against imperialism and the local bourgeoisie. Tanzania Pu Dar es Sala