talked to showed a negative attitude towards the idea of par- ticipation. They felt that workers’ participation is for the blue collar workers and not for them. Their apathy can be explained by the fact that they tend to identify themselves with the management and are in fact aspiring managers. The blue collar workers, on the other hand, really showed great interest in par- ticipation. Participation in “‘TANESCO by the Workers is also ren- dered difficult by some problems. One of them is the nature of representation itself. There is only one workers’ representative at the Head Office who has to represent nearly 2000 workers. Thus it is hard for all the workers to contact him even if they had problems or issues to raise in the Workers’ Council. The only ef- fective representation is in the local committee which cannot make decisions. In so far as informing the workers of the decisions of the Workers’ Council is concerned the management duplicated the minutes of the meeting in both English and Swahili and every worker interested could read. In this way the workers could at least know in detail what had taken place in the W orkers’ Council meeting. This shows a good attitude towards participation by the management. Also something of interest here is the fact that the management launched a workers education programme from March 1971, aimed at wiping out illiteracy among the workers. TANESCO has been singled out by the Ministry of Labour as leading in organising workers’ education programme. In spite of the problems pointed out above, there is an effort to make the programme of workers’ participation a success. IV. Conclusion and the Recommendations In the previous chapter, I have tried to examine how ef- fectively workers participate in decision-making according to the Presidentiat Circular. It must, however, be pointed out that it is too early to give a correct assessment of the success or failure of workers' participation because of the fact that the policy of workers’ participation is still taking root. It would be expecting miracles to think that the programme would succeed overnight. It will take sometime to achieve the aims and objectives of workers’ participation. And because the experiment is still in its infancy, there is need for an on-going research on this field. Though it is too early to gauge accurately the effectiveness has 251