PARTICIPATION IN THE WORKERS' COUNCIL MEETING Like Friendship Textile Mill the Workers’ Council meeting was conducted very well. Much credit is due to the understanding nature of the then General Manager, Mr. Batty, an expatriate, and the Personnel Manager Mr. Mwanjesa. The meeting lasted for three days and thus enough time was given to the issues discussed. However, the problem that arose was that of language. The whole meeting was conducted in English. An interpreter had to translate the speeches in both Swahili and English. This made the meeting take more time than might have been necessary. The reason for the use of the English language as a medium was that most of the management including the Chairman of the W orkers’ Council do not know Swahili. In the discussion itself, there was equal share between the management and the rest of the Workers’ Council members. The workers’ representatives felt that they had a fair share. Their active participation could be explained as having been due to the absence of complex matters which might have baffled the common workers’ representatives. All the issues discussed were those that the workers had proposed. Like Friend- ship Textile Mill most of the workers’ representatives could not distinguish the function of the two organs — the Workers’ Coun- cil and the Workers’ Committee Issues on matters like dismissals of workers were raised which in fact are within the realm of Workers’ Committee. Many times the members had to be cautioned not to discuss irrelevant issues. In spite of these problems, the workers' representatives were happy at the way they participated in the discussion. At the time I finished my research I could not know the Board of Directors’ views on the decisions passed by the Workers’ Council meeting. Thus [ am not able to say whether the deliberations of the Workers’ Council were accepted by the Board of Directors or not. THE ORDINARY WORKERS AND PARTICI- PATION Participation by the rank and file workers in TANESCO Head Office revealed interesting things. The labour of TANESCO Head Office varies from the white collar workers to the blue collar workers. The response from most of the white collar workers I 250