i ‘m%g;k i : flil ;\. , ‘ 'Vq}ll« i ,\:‘d\lu‘ e ;1‘1;;:15[ 248 Friendship Textile Mill. It draws its members from all over the country. The country is divided into four zones and each zone has got its own local committees all of which can be regarded as a ‘Minor Workers’ Council’. There are about twenty-two local com- mittees in the country. These meet and discuss their affairs, and the decisions reached are given to zonal representatives who come to Dar es Salaam and form a ‘Master Workers’ Council’. Thus the TANESCO’s Master Workers’ Council is composed of represen- tatives who represent their zones. The Master Workers’ Council consists of about twenty members from the management, most of whom are from the Head Office. The rest come from the zonal heads. The management heads of the Council from the Head Of- fice come from the General Manager’s office which is represented by the General Manager himself. Other departments are the Per- sonnel Manager’s office; the Chief Accountant’s office: the Chief Mechanical Engineer’s Office; the Chief Education and Training Office; the Chief Transmission and Distribution Engineer Office; the Chief Electrical Engineering Office and also from the Chief Planning Engineer’s Office. From the zones come the Resident Engineers. There are about thirty-eight workers representatives. Included in this number are also Workers' Committee members. NUTA headquarters has one representative and the TANU Branch Chairman is a member of ex-officio. WORKERS’ PARTICIPATION IN PRACTICE The analysis that follows refers only to that first Workers’ Council meeting since at that time the enterprise’s Workers' Coun- cil had met only once. As in the case of Friendship Textile Mill, my focus was first on examining workers’ participation in agenda formulation for the Workers’ Council meeting. The agenda of TANESCO, unlike those of Friendship Textile Mill were all proposals which came up from the members of the Workers' Council which included both the management and workers from the different zones. In this respect participation was indeed effective as there was no monopoly of the management in proposing the agenda for the meeting. The agenda for the meeting consisted of the following issues: 1. A discussion on the Presidential Standing Commission on Parastatal Organisation and its relevance to TANESCO.