fidential’ and were thus not accessible to all the workers. While admittedly, the big size of the enterprise, in the sense that the Mill operates under three shifts, makes a general meeting difficult, both the workers' representatives and the management could still have done something to inform the workers of the Councils’ decisions. The workers' representatives had to inform the workers they represented of the decisions through informal gatherings. The management’s action of stamping the minutes of the Workers’ Council ‘Confidential’ tended to defeat the whole purpose of par- ticipation. If calling a general meeting of the workers was difficult, the management could duplicate the minutes of the W orkers’ Council meetings and let the minutes be distributed to all the workers who wished to read them. Generally it can be argued that there is still need for the or- dinary workers to be effectively integrated into the decision- making process. Most workers I talked to felt that their Workers’ Council was doing nothing and this complaint had been raised by the workers to the President when he visited the Mill on 14th May 19711 TANZANIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY (TANESCO) TANESCO is a parastatal organisation that has branches all aver the country. It has its headquarters in Dar es Salaam along Independence Avenue. The company supplies much of the electricity which is consumed in the country and so it has a very important role to play in Tanzania's development. The findings in this paper are based on the research I carried at the Head Office in Dar es Salaam. TANESCO Head Office has a labour force of about 2,344 people most of whom have education of Form Four and above. WORKERS PARTICIPATION IN TANESCO COMPOSITION OF THE WORKERS' COUNCIL : TANESCO formed its Workers’ Council in July 1971 and met for the first time from 12th— 14th July 1971. Hence unlike Friendship Textile Mill which had met twice by July, TANESCO has had only one Workers’' Council Meeting. The Workers’ Coun- cil of TANESCO is more complex in its organisation than that of 247