i o A ¢ il i | il i 1971. The first Workers’ Council Meeting was in December 1970 and it lasted for five days starting from the 5th December. The second Workers’ Council Meeting met in June for 4 days on the 12th, 15th, 16th and 17th June, 1971. THE WORKERS' COUNCIL'S COMPOSITION From the management, there are twelve representatives with each department being represented by its head. Representation from the different departments and sections is as follows: 1. The General Manager's office. The General Manager at Friendship is not only the chairman of the Workers’ Coun- cil by virtue of his office, but he is also the TANU Branch Chairman of the factory. So he both represents the management and the Tanu Branch at the Mill. N . Other departments are the production Department, the per- sonnel and Public Relations Office, the Account’s Depart- ment, the Sales Department, the Purchase and Stores Department, Quality Control Department, Spinning, Weaving and Processing Departments. 3. There are eleven representatives from the Workers’ Com- mittee who become members of the Workers' Council as ex-officio members. 4. There are seven elected workers' representatives. The representatives come from each of the operative depart- ments like weaving, spinning and processing and one from the Administrative side. Elections were conducted in December. There were forty-one contestants out of whom only seven members were elected. Of the seven one com- pleted Form Four, another Form Two and the rest are all primary school leavers with standard seven education. 5. There are four representatives one from N.D.C. Headquar- ters, one from the Ministry of Labour, one from NUTA Headquarters. 6. There are two Chinese expert advisors who are there as co- opted members.