THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Its composition has to include at least one member from NUTA. The function of the Board of Directors is basically to establish the kind of policy the organisation has to follow ac- cording to the purpose for which the nation wants it. CONCLUDING REMARKS From the analysis of the powers and functions of the Workers’ Council it can be concluded that the powers workers have been given in participation are only advisory in the formulation of the policy of the enterprises. This, however, is not the final objective of the political leadership. It is intended that when the workers acquire enough skills and political consciousness, full management powers will be handed to them. Although now the workers play only an advisory role in decision-making, yet the Board of Direc- tors cannot simply ignore the recommendations and proposals of the Workers’ Council without giving convincing reasons for doing so. So it can be urgued that the Circular gives very extensive powers of participation to the workers. However, though in- stitutionally the workers have been given chance to participate, yet the setting up of such institutions for participation does not necessarily guarantee real participation by the workers as I have tried to argue in the introduction. Hence in the following Chapter I will try to explore how workers participation works in practice at Friendship Textile Mill and TANESCO. 238