I ; :k:!;n "‘lfl”‘ A I | n%:::l e ‘i;;liil'.t“ ik bt ¢ e | | ) ‘” M | A I THE STRUCTURE OF WORKERS' PARTICIPATION IN TANZANIA Prior to the issuing of the Circular which provided a machinery for meaningful participation, there have been Workers’ Com- mittees in all the Ministries and the private and public sectors. The Workers’ Committees are established by the Security of Em- ployment Act of 1964.!'>These Workers’ Committees which were set up by the Ministry of Labour are playing disciplinary and con- ciliatory roles only. Their functions are principally to discuss the conditions of service with the employer; to discuss dismissals of workers, wage policies and general discipline in the work place. Though these workers’ committees are workers’ representatives, yet their function has been limited to creating good relationship and harmony between the workers and the management only. The committees have no power to participate in decision-making with the management. Thus the issuing of the Circular No. 1 of 1970 that in fact introduced for the first time a new machinery for workers’ participation. The Circular gives powers to the workers through the various bodies to participate in ‘planning’ productivity quality and marketing’.'? INSTITUTIONAL PROVISION FOR PARTICIPATION The Circular of the President directed that in all public cor- porations employing more than ten workers, Workers’ Councils, Executive Committees and Board of Directors had to be formed by the end of 1970. THE WORKERS' COUNCIL: ITS COMPOSITION The Workers' Council according to the Circular consists of: a) the Tanu Chairman of the Branch of that enterprise b) the General Manager or Manager who in the first year of the Workers’ Council becomes also its Chairman. He is subject to election to Chairmanship like all other members after the first year. ¢) the heads of the various departments in the enterprise. d) all the members of the Workers’ Committee e) the representatives who are elected by the workers them- selves from the different departments or sections. Ac- cording to the provisions eligible members must be Tanu