The same point has been emphasised in the recent TANU guidelines. !° Participatory democracy has been stressed in the star- ting and development of ujamaa villages by making the people themselves decide when, where and how to start and run them. Thus the emphasis in introducing workers participation in the en- terprise to extend democracy to the public sector in order to enable the workers involved themselves in the developmental process of their enterprise. The third objective is to increase efficiency in the socialised en- terprises. Before and even after the Arusha Declaration, the workers in Tanzania have been treated as instruments of produc- tion. There has been little or no consultation of the workers by the management on the enterprises’ affairs. Thus the ordinary workers have been unaware of the factories’ or companies’ plans, their out- put and their problems. As such, extending industrial democracy to the enterprise is based on the premise that workers will increase their dedication and love for work, and hence increase efficiency. Their feeling of involvement in the decision-making process, however little that participation may be, builds up a sense of pride and satisfaction. This can lead to the ending of workers’ alienation thus making them more responsible. As a result it can help in maximising output. It also makes them more willing to accept changes and innovation when they are given a chance to par- ticipate in decision-making. Conflict can be minimised in the en- terprise especially between the management and the workers since, through workers’ participation, some trust between the management and the workers can be fostered. The hope for bringing about rapid economic change by allowing the workers to participate is brought home in the Presidential Circular: | believe that when our people have a clear target infront of them, and when they can see how far they have exceeded or how far they fall short of it, they will respond to this challenge as they have responded to so many challenges in our recent history. They will want to beat the target, they will take pride in their factory exceeding its target with good quality output.'’ After examining the rationale for introducing workers’ par- ticipation in Tanzania, the next step is to examine the institutional provisions that have been set for participation. 235