As a result, Tanzania has experienced all the problems which such bureaucratic machinery bring to the workers in capitalist countries even after the socialist Arusha Declaration. The introduction of workers participation in Tanzania can thus be seen as an attempt at removing bureaucratism in the management of the peoples’ institutions. In Tanzania where the goal is to build socialism, workers’ participation aims at achieving the following objectives. First, workers' participation aims at giving the working class power thus solving the contradictions which exist between the management and the workers. There should be no distinction be- tween the manager and the managed. All must be regarded as workers belonging to the same enterprise. This point is em- phatically underscored by the President when he says, In particular, the top management must have an attitude which regards the workers and the lower levels of management as partners in a com- mon enterprise, and not just as tools like the machines they work with. 5. Socialist ownership entails also the integration of the workers in the running of the socialised sector. Hence socialisation of the major means of production cannot be complete unless the working class is given power to run these socialised institutions. The socialisation of the managerial function is a corally to the socialisation of the means of production if socialism is to have any meaning at all. This is why workers participation has been in- troduced in only public enterprise employing ten workers or more because of the belief that there cannot be participation in decision- making by the workers without real control of the enterprises. Socialism is thus peoples’ control of the major means of produc- tion and the peoples’ control of the running and managing of these commanding heights. The second objective which is also tied with the first one is that workers' participation allows peoples’ involvement in deciding the affairs of their lives is central to Mwalimu’s thinking on develop- ment. In his paper, ‘Freedom and Development’, Mwalimu argues that any development must be development of the people by the people themselves hence emphasising their participation in the whole processes of development. The people through the established institutions must make their own decisions on how best they will build their future life.” 234