Supply Company (TANESCO). My analysis will be based on the functioning of Workers’ Council in the two economic institutions. The questions which I want to raise are: Who makes decisions in the Workers’ Council? How far do the workers, through their representatives, do in fact participate? If workers’ particifiation is not meaningful, what are the factors that render it so? These seem to be the basic questions which have to be considered; since failure to consider these issues may lead to people taking it for granted that the Circular is being implemented. I have divided the paper into four main parts. The first part is an Introduction. The second part is a discussion of the Concept of workers’ par- ticipation as applied to Tanzania— its rationale and objectives. Also discussed in this chapter is the institutional provisions that have been set up in Tanzania to effect workers’ participation. In the third part, I have tried to examine the actual implementation of workers' participation in the two enterprises trying to see whether there is really effective workers’ participation or not. In the concluding part, I have summarised the conclusions I got through observations and have suggested some solutions to the problems which are included in the conclusion. METHODOLOGY The research is based on two case studies: the Friendship Tex- tile Mill situated at Ubungo in Dar es Salaam and TANESCO whose headquarters is in Dar es Salaam. The choice of these two case studies was based on the contrasts they pose. The first con- trast lies in the nature of their functions. Friendship Textile Mill produces cloth while TANESCO engages in supplying electricity in the country. But more important is the difference in the technology. TENESCO is more complex in its technology than the Friendship Textile Mill which deals with less complex processes. Thus my interest was to examine how differing technological complexity can affect the implementation of workers’ participation. Also of interest was the difference in the structure of the two enterprises. TANESCO is a company that has a network of branches throughout the country while the Friend- ship Textile Mill is only a single unit with no branches. So my in- terest was to find out how TANESCO implements workers’ par- ticipation policy and to see what differences there were from the way Friendship Textile Mill implements the policy. 229