57. 58. 9. 60. B. Fitch and M. Openheimer, Ghana: End of an Illusion (Monthly Review Press, 1966), p. 107. Cf. W. Tordoff, Government and Politics in Tanzania (Nairobi: East African Publishing House, 1967) pp. 137—158. A.P. Mahiga, ‘The Worker in Private Enterprise’, (Political Science Disser- tation, University College. Dar es Salaam. 1970). Quoted in The Standard, November 9th, 1970 (emphasis added). Later it was changed slightly so that management would put forward two names before the council which would elect the secretary by ballot. Note the tendency of the positions to gravitate to white collar workers. Quoted in The Nationalist, October 19th,1970. The Nationalist, October 23rd, 1970. F. Fanon, op. cit, p.152. At the end of the tenth independence celebrations, the President announced measures for administrative ‘decentralisation’. These at the time of writing, were still secrete and were receiving their ‘final touches’. This is paradoxical first since according to ‘Mwongozo' such measures should have been for- mulated by the party and not by a US Company, McKinsey and Company; and secondly since in the spirit of ‘Mwongozo' they should have been publicly discussed by the people rather than receive their ‘final touches’ in camera.