management working papers, approve promotions and ap- pointments of senior staff. (2) PRODUCTION COMMITTEE (a) Meeting: Weekly. (b) Compesition: Production Manager, Chief Engineer, 2 Technicians of the two workshops, all supervisors, Main- tenance Engineer, Electrical Inspector, at least 3 Chinese ex- perts appointed by the Team Leader, 2 nominees of the council and 1 of the TANU Branch. (c) Functions: Discuss day to day problems as regards produc- tion, efficiency, standards, methods, etc. (3) EDUCATION COMMITTEE (a) Meeting: Monthly. (b) ‘Composition: Personnel Officer, Workers” Committee Chairman, Production Manager, Planning Assistant, Ad- ministrative Assistant, TANU Branch nominee, and two ap- pointees of the workers’ committee. (¢c) Functions: Discuss training needs and policies, formulate educational programmes. (4) CANTEEN MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (a) Meeting: Fortnightly. (b) Composition: 13 freely elected, and medical dresser. (c) Functions: Set up menus, discuss financial and progress reports of canteen. (5 WELFARE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (a) Meetings: Monthly. (b) Composition: 5 freely elected, | appointee of TANU Branch, | workers’ committee nominee, and 1 Chinese ex- pert. (d) Functions: Organise welfare activities. Once again the committees are rather top-heavy with bureaucrats. It is rather surprising, for example, that there are no ordinary workers in the Planning and Production Committee— just the positions they need most if they are to be trained in managing production. Presumably, these committees are 217