is supposed to meet only twice yearly, and the fact that the Chair- man at the first meeting warned members not to discuss their per- sonal grievances nor to disclose what is discussed in the meetings to non-members. The way this workers' council has been presented shows the aim behind it is deceive the workers into accepting the demands of the management—to make the workers more manageable.5? Nevertheless, because of the rather ‘political’ nature of the firm’s management, the implementation of the Presidential Circular at the firm has been more flexible than the circular demands. In or- der to increase the element of democracy and participation, the firm’s procedural rules have established that, firstly, the workers’ council shall meet quarterly and not twice yearly, and secondly other bodies have been created to maximise the participation of the workers in decision-making. According to the Chairman of the council, the experience gained at the factory indicates that it is not easy to work with just one organ—the council; there is a need for more committees to be formed and in a way act as standing/working committees of the council. Thus an extra five committees not provided for in the Presidential Circular have been set up at UFI. These deal with various management affairs. These committees are for: Planning, Production, Education, Canteen Management, and Welfare Ac- tivities. Add to these the workers’ committee (the trade union branch at the plant), the TANU Branch, the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Workers’ Council itself, you have a total of ten bodies which are in one way or another con- nected with the management of the firm. The workers have therefore ample opportunity to participate in all these bodies. According to the procedures of management at the firm, the composition and functions of the bodies may be summarised as follows: (1) PLANNING COMMITTEE (a) Meeting: Weekly. (b) Composition: General Manager, Production Manager, Marketing Manager, Chief Accountant, Personnel Officer, { Chairman of the Council (General Manager for the present), Chinese Team Leader, (c) Functions: Plan and review day to day activities, prepare 216