party becomes an administration, and the militants disappear into the crowd and take the empty title of citizen.®® I therefore see TANU as an organisation which is much talked about and revered but whose manifestation is nearly non-existent. Apart from the occasional pronouncements at the top, it com- pletely lacks substance and hence initiative and creativity at the grass-root level. It is like Nkrumah'’s Convention People’s Party on the eve of the coup: Although the CPP constantly referred to itself as a mass political party — one which supposedly first brought the techniques of Western political organisation to Africa — this identification was quite misleading. The CPP was a mass party only in the sense that it had a large membership. It was not a mass party in the sense of mobilising large numbers of people and bringing them into the political arena as ac- tive and politically conscious participants. Many of the men and women who bought membership cards in the CPP did so for the same reasons that citizens in the United States buy tickets to a policemen'’s ball. In both cases, the sale involves a tax levied on the vulnerable by the power- ful.>® (b) WORKERS' COMMITTEES The workers’ committee is the trade union organisation at the factory level. It was established in 1964 with the reorganisation of the trade union movement in the country.®’ It is the workers’ con- sultative organ on matters concerning the welfare of the workers. According to the Government Paper No. 1 of 1964, the func- tions of the workers'’committees are eight-fold: () To ensure the observance of collective agreements and ar- bitration awards. (ii) to safeguard rules of employment, including those con- tained in Bills of general application (such as a disciplinary code). (iii) to take part in all inspections of employing concerns con- ducted by any authorities or officials charged by law with that duty. (iv) to inspect all records of employment, including time-and wage sheets, and to report any non-compliance with the provisions of a wage regulation order to the appropriate labour officer. (v) to confirm any case of dismissal or termination of 205