industries. Until then there were already ‘workers committees’ as well as TA'NU Branches in enterprises. In view of the fact that the boundaries separating the areas of operation of these three organs are not as yet distinct and clear — as I shall point out later — it would be in order to begin with a brief discussion of the TANU Branches and workers’ committees before retuming to the workers’ councils. (@@ TANU BRANCHES TANU started opening branches vigorously after the proclamation of the Arusha Declaration in 1967. At first the exer- cise was haphazard, later however the National Executive Com- mittee of the party tried to set up some procedures governing the party branches in institutions. Hitherto, branches and other levels of the party were all based on geographical/ administrative locations. In fact, even the constitution of the party assumes that the various levels established are divided geographically — which of course is the case except in an insignificant number of in- stances. The functions of these branches in enterprises are supposed to be the same as those of all party branches. The highest organ at the branch level is the ‘Branch Annual Conference’ whose func- tions constitute the functions of the party branch as a whole. These are set down in one article of the constitution: The Annual Conference shall have the right to discuss all matters of in- terest to the area as it shall see fit, and it shall be empowered to give recommendations arising out of such discussions to the District Annual Conference.®' These very broad functions apply to the District and Regional levels — each level recommending to the higher one anything it may see fit to deliberate on. Thus the party constitution is not of much help in finding the intended functions of TANU Branches in industries. Before workers’ councils were formed, there were seminars and workshops throughout the country that tried to bring home the idea of workers’ participation to the workers. In these seminars — more of which will be said later — the functions of TANU Bran- ches in the industries were also discussed. A document used in the educational programme stated that the duties of Branch and Sub- 202