simply strengthened the socio-economic system which plunders them. For, in the words of Marx, ‘the more a ruling class is able to assimilate the most prominent men of the dominated classes, the more stable and dangerous its rule’.?! But then of course trade unionism within the capitalist system is basically bourgeois; it concerns itself with the ‘economic struggle’ which, in Lenin's words, ‘is a collective struggle of the workers against their employers for better terms in the sale of their labour power . . ’?* Furthermore, and because of this, ‘to assist in the economic struggle of the proletariat is the job of the bourgeois politician. The task of the socialist is to make the economic struggle of the workers assist the socialist movement and con- tribute to the success of the revolutionary socialist party’. % The strength and stability of the capitalist system has developed in turn the ideological web which promulgates such ideas as those of ‘welfare state’, ‘the theory of convergence’, the ‘managerial revolution’, etc. Basically, this ideological propaganda sees fun- .damental changes occuring in capitalism so that there no longer exists antagonistic class contradictions, so that — in other words — there is no more relevance in speaking of a proletariat with a revolutionary mission. The facts, however, do not tally with this point of view. For in every significant sense, the term ‘wage-slave’ has lost none of its meaning in the whole of Western Europe — however considerable the improvement in living standards might have been. For slavery is not synonymous with poverty, but expresses a relationship between people, in which one is subordinated to another. Domination may have found polite descriptions but if anything the gap between controllers and controlled has widened rather than closed. ?* The salvation for the mass of workers is not, ‘participation’. As Fidel Castro said in an interview, ‘the real way to benefit the exploited is precisely the expropriation of their for- mer exploiters. That is to say, the concept of democracy cannot trully function in a class society. In order for a democracy to func- tion, equality must be established.’** C. Workers’ Participation Under Socialism Summing up the experience of the October Revolution, Lenin said that ‘the first step that every socialist workers’ government has to take is workers’ control’.26 Thus he underlined the