- mERTe m s &% 0 E== B: (b) Some companies such as Tanzania Breweries Limited have branches, each of which may have a substantial number of employees. In such cases separate Workers Councils and Executive Committees should be established comprising of their respective local personnel. Often it is advisable to form a Super Workers’ Council comprising of workers represen- tatives elected by each of the branch councils to discuss very important matters of company-wide im- plications with the Headquarters management. One or two such representatives would make a reasonable super council, depending on the number of branches involved. This matter can be agreed upon in con- sultation with the Labour Division and NUTA. Workers’ Education for Members of Workers’ Councils and Management Executive Committees FOREWORD i 2 » / 3 174 Since the present form of workers participation 1s new to all of us in Tanzania, it is necessary that all those involved in its successful implementation be enlightened as to its real ob- jectives and practical implications. This implies the in- troduction of a mass workers education programme for all the workers to ‘sell’ the idea. This as we have seen above is the first step before a Workers' Council is established in an enterprise. Once the council has been established a more specific and systematic form of continuing education should be program- med, starting with members of the Workers’ Council. This should be done as soon as possible after its formation to avoid the danger of a false start. The Programme of Workers Education The aim should be to establish a permanent programme aimed at equipping all categories of workers with an adequate and relevant knowledge to enable them to work and par- ticipate meaningfully and effectively in their new undertaking, whether as leaders or otherwise.