formation of a Workers' Council. The Executive Com- mittee shall consist of: (i) General Manager or Manager — as chairman (ii) Heads of department or Sections. (iii) Workers representatives elected by the Workers Council from among worker members of the Workers Council. Their number should not be more than one- third of the total membership of the Executive Com- mittee Permanent members . . . Executive Commiittee. 8. Function (a) See Presidential Circular No. 1 of 1970 para 16. (b) Its main role is also advisory to the General Manager who is the Chief Executive Officer of the company. In case of doubt or difficulty please contact your area Labour Officer who will be too willing to assist you. Also contact N.D.C. Personnel section for any advice/assistance in these matters. NOTE: (a) Although both the Workers'’ Council and the Executive Committee are advisory in nature their role can become crucial in cultivating a good in- dustrial relations climate in the company. For this reason management would be wise to take their ad- vice seriously and to consult with these bodies as often as is desirable. Only if they see that their con- tribution to the decision-making process is recognised will they feel that their role is useful, in which case they will understand the intentions of management’s actions. The absence of this spirit will result in mutual distrust and the use, by the workers representatives, of these bodies as super workers committees for the airing of petty grievan- ces and recriminations. These bodies are meant to deal with important matters of the company, mainly of a policy nature, not with petty issues which could best be left to other organs in the company. 173