e e - - - he will be eligible for election to the chairmanship equally with all other members. (0) Nominate any two or three names from the company and let the council elect one among them at its first sitting to serve as Secretary to the council. If the Secretary is not a member of the council he has no voting rights and can participate in discussions only by special permission. ' 3. Function of the Workers Council (a) As outlined in the Presidential Circular No. 1 of 1970 page 5 para. 12 — ab,c,d,e and f. (b) The Workers Council shall be advisory to management and to the Board of Directors. It has no independent executive or legislative powers outside the normal processes of management. 4~ Term of Office (a) Members representatives elected by workers themselves from among the workers together with that nominated by NUTA, shall serve the office for a period of three years. (b)) Any member shall cease to be a member of both the Workers' Council or Management Executive Committee as soon as he ceases to be an employee of the firm con- cerned. (c) The General Secretary of NUTA nominee on the council. 5. Candidate’s Qualifications A worker who wishes to stand for election must have the following qualifications: (@@ Be a member of TANU (b) Be a member of NUTA (c) Be supported by at least five workers in the company. 6. Bye-election If for any reason a member has resigned or ceased to be a member of the council the Manager in agreement with the responsible NUTA official of the area office shall arrange a bye-election. 7. The Management Executive Committee This is the body which is to be formed after the