(g) (h) (i) () (k) M (m) (n) the elections. Your officer responsible for personnel mat- ters should work with them to ensure a smooth and fair election. All workers regardless of their origin, race or salary — will have the right to vote, to elect their representatives. Every worker will have the right to cast only one vote for one candidate, unless his department or group is required to have more than one representative in which case he will cast one vote for each candidate. When two candidates have majority of equal votes — then workers of the section shall have the right to vote again to elect one among the two. The results of the election should be announced by the Labour Official immediately after the counting of the votes. The results should be widely publicised in the company. The Labour official should soon confirm the members’ election/ nomination formally in writing to management for record purposes. This list should be displayed permanently on all the Notice Boards.The permanent members are: (i) TANU chairman of the company. (i) All members of the Workers' Committee. (iii) All Heads of Departments or Section (according to above grouping) in (2) (b) (ii) above (iv) The General Manager. Get a co-opted member from outside the business who will be invited from time to time to advise the council on technical matters. In the N.D.C. group this member is of- ten the respective Operations Officer for your company but it need not be the case. But it is necessary for management and NUTA including Workers Committee, to agree on a member(s). NUTA has a right to nominate its representative to sit in the council. Get them to do it without delay. The General Manager is the chairman of the council for the first year of the company’s ever council, but, thereafter 171