labour and industrial situations all the time. The presidential Directive on Workers’ Participation has conferred on the Labour Commissioner and Labour Officers the responsibility for super- vising and ensuring the implementation of the Directive. - However, it is not the Labour Department alone which will ' require reorientation in order to accommodate successful operation R of our workers’ participation system. As I have already indicated i managements at the enterprise level will have a role of their own E in conjunction with national institutions like NUTA, the Tanganyika Federation of Employers (F.T.E.) and of course our political party — TANU — which has to bequeth the Workers’ : Education programme a proper sense of political direction. At the ¥ l technical level the N.I.P. should consider its right role in all this. It ‘ i may well be that it will have to become a research centre in labour it problems including labour productivity disseminating useful B digested knowledge to the Labour Division, NUTA and it managements. ‘ It is in recognition of the importance of Workers’ Education i that representatives from my Ministryy, NUTA and the ¥ Tanganyika Federation of Employers under the leadership of TANU have had to sit down at numerous meetings to plan the i matters. it As you may know already a two phased plan of action was B agreed upon. The first phase which has already commenced is in- " tended to convey the political and technical message to the masses of the workers which is behind the Directive No. 1 of 1970. In this way our wage earning population will be in a position to con- ceive the serious magnitude of the move to introduce this system ! of workers’ participation in management in Tanzania. It will also enable the workers to make right choices of representatives to the workers’ councils. The first phase of mass workers’ education programmes is expected to end at the end of this month. But of course this alone would not suffice since it is necessarily a very general programme and cannot penetrate sufficiently into the various fields which constitute the work of the Workers’ \Council, the management executive committees and Boards of { Directors, This job is to be undertaken in the second phase of our éworkers’ education programme. Its objective is to equip the par- ticipants of the various workers' participation institutions with 164