(c) to advise on matters relating to the quality and quantity of the commodity produced; (d) to advise on matters of planning; (e) to advise on other aspects of productivity, such as works and enterprise organisation, technical knowledge, workers’ education, etc. (f) to receive and to discuss the Balance Sheet. 13. The Management shall appoint the secretary to the Council and the Council shall regulate its own procedures for conducting its meetings. 14. The Workers' Councils shall be advisory to the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee CONSTITUTION 15. The Executive Committee shall be constituted as follows: (a) The Manager/General Manager — as Chairman. (b) Heads of Departments or Sections. (c) Workers' representatives elected by the Workers Council from among the workers’ representative members of the Workers Council provided their number is not more than one-third of the total membership of the Executive Com- mittee. FUNCTIONS 16. The Executive Committee shall have the following major functions; (a) to scrutinise financial and production estimates prepared by management; (b) to scrutinise labour programmes, including programmes for raising workers’ productivity and education which are prepared by management and NUTA; (c) to scrutinise finance, production, quality, export and marketing programmes, in consultation with the body or bodies concerned; (d to advise on the execution of the general policy as 157 - = - .